CITE -FACTCHECKZW is a nonpartisan organisation is committed to truth and accuracy.
How we choose what to check
We fact check claims in public debate which are of public interest. This includes—but is not limited to—claims made by politicians and the media.
We prioritise claims that have the most potential to cause harm to people’s lives. That could mean that they’ve been widely shared online, or feature prominently in newspapers or broadcast media, or are repeated multiple times by a party’s candidates.
We base our core areas of concern to the topics which consistently top the Ipsos MORI Issues Index. They include crime and immigration, the law, education, health and social care, and the economy.
We fact check claims from across the political spectrum and from different sides of important debates.
How you can tip us off about a claim to check
Contact us with your fact check request.
We cannot promise to check every claim suggested. Please say what impact you think the claim would have if it’s left unchecked.
How we check
We use the same approach whatever claim we are checking and whoever is making it.
Before we jump to conclusions, let’s unpack the message.
Facts alone aren’t enough. We need to dig deeper and understand the hidden agenda.
Don’t just swallow the bait. Ask yourself, “What’s the real point here?”
To truly evaluate a claim, we must first grasp its full meaning. This involves not only scrutinizing the evidence presented, but also dissecting the underlying assumptions and biases.
Just because something is factually accurate doesn’t guarantee its truthfulness. Misleading or incomplete information can be used to paint a distorted picture. Therefore, it’s crucial to go beyond the surface and understand the speaker’s true intent.
Critical thinking demands active listening and questioning. We must dissect the message, identify the underlying assumptions, and ask ourselves: “What’s the real story here? Are they trying to manipulate me?
Focus on the fact-checking process
How we check
Firstly, it is crucial to comprehend the information conveyed through speech or print. Our fact-checking process extends beyond merely verifying the evidence cited in a claim; it involves scrutinizing the underlying assumptions as well. Even if the information presented is factually accurate, it can be wielded to construct a misleading or incorrect argument. Hence, it is imperative to elucidate the intended meaning when someone makes a statement.
Following this, we initiate contact with the individual making the claim. Unless the source of the claim is evident, we make efforts to reach out to the claimant, seeking clarification on their source and any additional information necessary for comprehension or for them to provide a response.
Subsequently, we accumulate a diverse array of evidence related to the claim. Our commitment is to gather information from various sources, as detailed in the response to the question “What kind of sources do you use?” above.
In certain instances, we consult experts. Given our coverage of a broad spectrum of topics, it is acknowledged that we are not experts in every field. To present readers with a comprehensive view, we seek guidance from relevant experts for advice, clearly attributing their contributions when quoting them.
Once the evidence is collected and analysed, we write the factcheck article. Our aim is not to dictate opinions but to guide readers through the evidence transparently, allowing them to form their own conclusions about a claim. Additionally, we provide contextual information when relevant to the issue.
Each article includes a summary of the claims being fact-checked and our corresponding conclusions at the outset.
Prior to publication, thorough review is conducted. All content published on our #FACTCHECKZW website undergoes scrutiny by another member to ensure accuracy, impartiality, and engagement. In cases where the topic is politically sensitive, our Director may also conduct a review.
We include disclosures if there are pertinent details about us in relation to the fact-check. For instance, if we are fact-checking our trustees or funders, we explicitly mention it.
After this rigorous process, we publish the article on our website and promote it on our social media platforms. Collaborations with various media outlets often result in the re-publication of some of our fact checks.
Our commitment extends beyond publication. If a politician or journalist lacks supporting evidence for their statements, we insist that they make their evidence public. In instances where inaccuracies occur, we advocate for corrections to be made.