Inaccurate information has detrimental consequences on individuals’ lives. Our team, comprised of independent fact-checkers and campaigners, works diligently to identify, uncover, and combat the negative impact it inflicts.
CITE advocates for ensuring accurate information reaches those who require it the most, whether they are individuals deciding on service delivery matters, making voting choices, or participating in political discussions about the future of our nation.
Our principles are straightforward. Anyone, including fact-checkers, involved in substantial claims within public discourse should be willing to:
- Ensure the accuracy of their facts
- Support their statements with evidence
- Rectify any mistakes made.
Our main goals involves combating misinformation through various strategies. Initially, we verify statements from politicians, public institutions, journalists, and online viral content to ensure that everyone has access to trustworthy information.
We embrace the use of AI in the newsroom to help us combat misinformation.
By prompting individuals to rectify inaccuracies, we aim to halt and diminish the dissemination of false information.
Centre for Innovation and Technology ZW is a registered non profit organisation. We’re transparent about our funding, and it’s thanks to the support of thousands of people and organisations and partners that our work remains independent