Does the ZANU PF constitution have a limit of two presidential terms?

The Claim: Claim: Presidential spokesperson George Charamba who uses the profile @dhonzamusoro007 on X claimed ZANU-PF constitution provides for two-term limits. 

“ The President clarifies the issue of term limits: Speaking in Shona, the President, Dr ED Mnangagwa, Indicated that both the party and National Constitutions provide for two-term limits. In his case, he added, he is now working on his second and last term and was on his way to taking a deserved rest. When the time comes, added the President, ZANU PF will congregate to elect new leader. This is what provides for national stability. He also stressed the need for adherence to party line and Party discipline,” read the claim
The Verdict: claim verdict

Claim: Presidential spokesperson George Charamba who uses the profile @dhonzamusoro007 on X claimed ZANU-PF constitution provides for two-term limits. 

“ The President clarifies the issue of term limits: Speaking in Shona, the President, Dr ED Mnangagwa, Indicated that both the party and National Constitutions provide for two-term limits. In his case, he added, he is now working on his second and last term and was on his way to taking a deserved rest. When the time comes, added the President, ZANU PF will congregate to elect new leader. This is what provides for national stability. He also stressed the need for adherence to party line and Party discipline,” read the claim

Verdict: Misleading 

The Zimbabwean Constitution, which came into effect in 2013, explicitly restricts the presidential term to two five year terms, with no provisions allowing an incumbent president to extend their tenure beyond this limit. Any Amendments to these term limits would require a constitutional change that cannot benefit the sitting president.

Section 91 of Zimbabwean Constitution talks about the qualifications for election as President and Vice Presidents. It also talks about disqualification for election as a president.

“91 (1) A person qualifies for election as President or Vice-President if he or she— 1 (a) is a Zimbabwean citizen by birth or descent; (b) has attained the age of forty years; (c) is ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe; and (d) is registered as a voter.” 

(2) A person is disqualified for election as President or Vice-President if he or she has already held office as President under this Constitution for two terms, whether continuous or not, and for the purpose of this subsection three or more years’ service is deemed to be a full term. 

This provision is intended to prevent any individual from holding the presidency for more than a decade.

The ZANU-PF Constitution itself does not explicitly restrict the presidential term to two five year terms. The party has been subject to internal and external; pressures to conform to the national constitution of Zimbabwe, which does set such limits. 

Discussions within ZANU-PF have occasionally surfaced about amending these restrictions to allow President Emmerson Mnangagwa a third term, but no such amendments have been enacted yet.

Here Is an example of ZANU PF party in Masvingo Province publicly endorsing  President Emmerson Mnangagwa for a third term during the 21st Robert Mugabe National Youth Day celebrations: Zanu PF Pushes Third Term Bid for President Mnangagwa (

 For more detailed information on ZANU-PF constitution , you can review the document :

The Legal think-tank  Veritas also said  the issue of ZANU-PF constitution limit for Presidential candidate is not In black and white.

“They have just agreed not to have two centers of power in the country. That is having a Zanu PF leader who is not the president of the country,” said Veritas.

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