Factcheck: La Nina has no effect in Zimbabwe during winter

The Claim: Claim: A story by 263 News claimed that this year’s winter season is coming with extremely low temperatures and some rainfalls, and this is due to disturbances caused by El Nino.
The Verdict: claim verdict

Claim: A story by 263 News claimed that this year’s winter season is coming with extremely low temperatures and some rainfalls, and this is due to disturbances caused by El Nino.

“Let’s brace ourselves for some heavy to moderate rainfalls as this will come as a surprise to all who expected rains during the planting season,” read the claim.

“The El Nino is often followed by La Nina. There’s a 75 percent chance that La Nina will develop by May- August 2024. La Nina Is characterised by usually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific, compared to El Nino, which is characterised by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific.”

The article went on to state the effects of the cold spell.

“Cold spells have negative effects on human lives, for example: prolonged exposure to cold will eventually use up your body storage energy and is Hypothermia or abnormal low body temperature. A body temperature that is too low affects the brain, making the victim unable to think clearly or move well.”

They went on to list advice to stay safe and well during the predicted cold spell.

“Do not use warm water to bath to try to warm up. Avoid salty foods alcohol, coffee and sugary drinks which can be dehydrating,” read the claim.

Verdict: Misleading

The Meteorological Service Department (MSD) Head of Forecasting James Ngoma dismissed the information.

“It is the complete opposite, La Nina has no major effect over Zimbabwe for the winter months (June to August),” said Ngoma.

On social media platforms such as X, MSD is currently advising members of the public to dress warmly and ensure that vulnerable members of society are kept warm, both early morning and late evening.

“Chances of getting a cough, influenza or a cold, increase during this transition period towards winter. Please consult your local health practitioner for any health-related ailments,” said MSD

Conclusion: Overall, while the information contains accurate descriptions of weather phenomena and some general safety advice, specific predictions about the upcoming winter season need to be approached with caution, as weather forecasts can be unpredictable.

Sources: MSD, Online

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