Illegal practices at a polling station

The Claim: .
The Verdict: claim verdict

Zimbabwe is set to hold by-elections on the 26th of March to fill the vacant National Assembly and local government seats.

There are certain practices that are not allowed at polling stations as prescribed by the law.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Act section 118 talks about illegal practices voters should not engage in when closer to or inside a polling station.

These are: No person shall within 100 meters of any polling station on any polling day convoke or take part in any gathering of more than 12 persons, canvass for votes, utter slogans, distribute leaflets or pamphlets for an on behalf of any candidate or party, organize or engage in public singing or dancing, use bands or music or loudspeaker vans or apparatus.

Any person who contravenes this section shall be guilty of an illegal practice.

In addition, section 120 talks about the obstruction of voters.

“Any person who wilfully obstructs a voter either on his way to or from an election or at the polling station will be guilty of an illegal practice.”

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